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How to import bookings

Import all your bookings and update them in bulk with an Excel spreadsheet. Instead of individually adding your bookings to Bókun, you can fill in an Excel spreadsheet and import all of your bookings in one go. You can access the import template in your Bókun account.

Note: You cannot use any other Excel sheet or template to import the products.


ℹ️ Points to remember before starting

  • The bookings you import may have travel date that happened in the past. In this case, please check that Products for which you will be importing bookings have price defined for these dates.
  • If you insert an empty row inside the data - the importer ignores all rows after that row.
  • All bookings will be imported in the status confirmed.
  • All bookings will be imported showing the not paid status, but you can manually mark the bookings as paid.


How do I know which booking import sheet to use?

You have the option to use either the simple or advanced sheet.


Simple import sheetAdvanced import sheet
Basic bookingsIf you want to define the used rate - and it’s not the default rate.
Basic customised toursIf you want to use group pricing categories.
If you need to add the names of all travellers.
If the booking has booked extras you'd like to import.
If the booking has mandatory booking questions that you need imported.


Simple booking import sheet

  1. Click Settings in the bottom left corner and then Legacy content and click Import bookings.
  2. To download the booking import template, click Download template here.

  1. Fill in the Excel sheet with all of your bookings you'd like to import. Only a few columns are mandatory to fill out, such as:
    • External reference - This is a booking reference, can be numerical or letters - Needs to be unique to each booking otherwise all bookings after the first will get skipped.
    • Product code - This should be the product code you added to your Bókun product that has been booked. You can find the Product code (Optional) - Add your internal product code - in the Advanced > Experience identifier section of each experience.
    • Date - This needs to be the booked travelled date. When is your guests tour? The format has to be DD/MM/YYYY
    • Time - This is only mandatory when your Bókun product has a start time. The format has to be HH:MM
    • Adult count - How many guests is this booking for?


⚠️ Please note that filling only the mandatory columns will result in the booking being imported without a traveller name and without any entered pricing.


  1. After you have filled in the template, click Choose file, locate the file in your documents, and Click here to import. That will import all the bookings from your Excel sheet.
  2. Your bookings should now appear in your Bokun sales feed. Click Bookings > Sales Feed in the left-hand side menu to see them.


Our example

Please note that name, last name and email address have been entered on this version.


The booking itself


Advance booking import sheet


  1. Click Settings in the bottom left corner and then click Import bookings.

  2. To download the booking import template, click advanced template here.

  3. Fill in the Excel sheet with all of your bookings you'd like to import. Only a few columns are mandatory to fill out, but since the Advanced import sheet allows for further customization, it has 5 tabs:

    • Bookings - This tab features overview information specific to this particular booking, but not related to the experience itself.
    • Activity bookings - This tab will require all information regarding the activity booked.
    • Activity passengers - This tab requires passenger related information. If you have more than one, you can enter all additional contact details and names here.
    • Activity extras - Optional - If there are any booked extras with this booking, you need to enter the booking here. Do not add bookings that have no booked extras.
    • Activity booking answers Optional - If you need to import booking questions that the guest answered, you can add them in this section. Only add bookings that have mandatory questions.


Our Example

In order to explain the process of importing a booking, we will create a test sheet together, containing 2 bookings.

Example 1: A booking including 2 passengers, that booked a pick-up and extras and has a mandatory bookings question that needs to be answered individually.

Example 2: Booked for another experience for a custom price, one traveller.



In order to connect the booking data that you enter to the same booking, you need to make sure that Booking ID and Passenger booking ID match for your bookings.


Tab-by-tab guide

Bookings tab

The bookings tab

ColumnMandatoryCommentsDefault value if emptyExample 1
Booking IDMandatoryText. On import, enter any unique values here like 1, 2, 3. You can also use your external booking ID here.Mermaid1
Creation dateBooking creation date. The format has to be DD/MM/YYYYImport date
Confirmation codeUsed on export only, - DO NOT FILL IN - leave empty on import.Auto-generated ID
External referenceMandatoryBooking ID on external system.Mermaid-Jane
Contact titleOne of: MR, MRS, MISSMISS
Contact first nameCustomer first nameJane
Contact last nameCustomer last nameJameson
Contact emailShould meet Bokun email syntax
Contact phoneShould meet Bokun phone syntax requirements447960030000
Contact nationalityCountry ISO code: LT, AL, etc.UK
Contact languageLanguage ISO code: LT, AL, etc.ENGv
Contact genderOne of: M, FF
Contact personal IDNumerical value447960030000
Contact date of birthDD/MM/YYYY01/01/1985
Contact organization
Contact passport ID
Contact passport expiry monthNumber 1-12
Contact passport expiry yearNumber 2000-9999
Contact address street
Contact address city
Contact address state
Contact address postcode
Contact address countryCountry ISO code: LT, AL, etc.
Booking labelsComma-separated titles of Booking Labels. Booking Labels should be available in Bokun (pre-created) before the import.Mermaids
ChannelBooking channel titleYour internal channelImport test
ResellerReselling vendor title. There should exist Marketplace contract with the vendor entered hereYour own companyGBP
AgentBooking agent title (company name). Booking agent should be available in Bokun (pre-created) before the import
UserUser name (email) of user who will be further responsible for managing this booking.Current user (importer)


The example in the sheet


Activity booking tab

Activity booking tab

In order to connect the booking data you enter the experience specific information for the booking, such as the date, time, pick ups, drop-offs, any custom booking information and notes.


ColumnMandatoryCommentsDefault value if emptyExample 1
Booking IDMandatoryIdentifies to which Booking this Activity Booking belongs to. Make sure to use the same Booking ID for the same booking on all tabs.Mermaid1
Activity booking IDMandatoryEnter any unique values here. It can be 1, 2, 3, it can be external booking referenceMermaid Jane
Confirmation codeUsed on export only, - DO NOT FILL IN - leave empty on import.Auto-generated ID
Activity IDMandatory unless "Product code" is filled insteadNumber. Refers to activity ID in Bokun. You have to have access rights for this activity to be able to create booking for it. This is the Bókun ID of your product.495354
ActivityMandatory unless "Product code" or “Activity ID” is filled insteadRefers to activity title in Bokun. You have to have access rights for this activity to be able to create booking for it.Scenic trip to the little mermaid
Product codeMandatory (unless "Activity ID" is filled instead)External ID of product that is already imported and for which booking is being created. This can be found in the product on Bókun. Advanced tab > Experience Identifiers > Product code section. Note: This is an optional value in Bókun.
DateMandatoryBooked travel date. Product for which a booking is being imported should have configured price for the date used here. Format: DD/MM/YYYY22/03/2023
TimeTravel time (formatted as spreadsheet date-time, not just plain text). HH:MM21:00
RateActivity rate title. This is not a price, this is Rate name/title. The rate needs to match the rate title in your Bokun experience.Default rate for current Activity.English tour with tea and such
Pick upTRUE/FALSE - if not entered, false is applied.FALSETRUE
Pick up placeTitle of pickup place. The pickup place must exist in the experience you are importing this booking for already.271 Reykjadalur
Pick up custom placeCustomer-hand-entered pickup place. Only one of “Pick up place” and “Pick up custom place” should be specified.
Drop off placeTitle of drop-off place. Drop-off place must exist in current experience in Bókun.
Drop off custom placeCustomer-hand-entered drop-off place. Only one of “Drop off place” and “Drop off custom place” should be specified01/01/1985
Ticket per personTRUE (per person) or FALSE (per booking).FALSE
Barcode valueNumber visible on the ticket barcode
Custom priceNumber (ex. 12.34)
Custom timeCustom travel time (formatted as spreadsheet date-time, not just plain text). Obligatory if "Custom booking" is TRUE
Cancellation policyCancellation Policy title. Policy should be available in Bokun (pre-created) before the import.Default Cancellation Policy for current Activity
NotesBooking remarks entered by you.


The example in the sheet

Activity passengers tab

Activity passengers tab

This tab will ask for all information related to the customer booking.

⚠️Please note that you will need to fill out a row per passenger if you wish to have all passengers name or have a mandatory question that has to be answered per passenger.


ColumnMandatoryCommentsDefault value if emptyExample 1
Booking IDIdentifies to which booking this passenger belongs. This should be the same as in the previous tabs for the same booking. If you're enterign more than one passengers name for the same booking, the Booking ID and Activity stay the same, only the passenger booking ID is unique.Mermaid1
Activity booking IDMandatoryIdentifies to which Activity Booking this passenger belongs. This should be the same as in the previous tabs for the same booking.Mermaid Jane
Passenger booking IDMandatoryOn import, enter any unique values here. For example, it can be 1, 2, 3,. This is a number assigned to a specific traveller. You can’t reuse the same number/ID on this sheet. If you have several passengers for one booking that you wish to name, you will need to add a line for each traveller with their individual Passenger booking ID, but the same booking ID and activity booking ID (see example 1 screenshots below).1
Ticket categoryMandatoryOne of: ADULT, CHILD, TEENAGER, INFANT, SENIOR, STUDENT, MILITARY, OTHER. A pricing category that matches the specified ticket type will be assigned. This should be a pricing category your experience has in Bókun.ADULT
OccupancyNumber. Specifies how many seats this passenger consumes, NOT the number booked for this booking. Example is 0 for infant, 10 for bundle ticket. This is not the quantity of a booking11
Barcode valueNumber
TitleOne of: MR, MRS, MISSMISS
First namePassenger first nameJane
Last namePassenger last nameJameson
EmailShould meet Bokun email syntax
PhoneShould meet Bokun phone syntax requirements447960030000
NationalityCountry ISO code: LT, AL, etc.UK
LanguageLanguage ISO code: LT, AL, etc.ENG
GenderOne of: M, FF
Personal ID
Date of birth01/01/1985
Passport ID
Passport expiry monthNumber 1-12
Passport expiry yearNumber 2000-9999
Address street
Address city
Address state
Address postcode
Address countryCountry ISO code: LT, AL, etc.


The example in the sheet

Activity extras tab

Activity extras tab

If you have bookable extras and want to the booked extras to reflect, you need to fill out the activity and booking extras tab.

⚠️If you are importing several bookings, only the ones with booked extras need to be added here.

ColumnMandatoryCommentsDefault value if emptyExample 1
Booking IDIdentifies to which Booking this Extra belongs to. This should be the same as the previous tabs to connect correctly.Mermaid1
Activity booking IDIdentifies to which Activity Booking this Extra belongs. Needs to exist on the experience in Bókun before this is added here. This should be the same as the previous tabs used for the same booking to connect correctly.Mermaid Jane
Passenger booking IDMandatoryIdentifies to which Passenger Booking this Extra belongs. This should be the same as the previous tabs to connect correctly. This should be the same as the previous tabs to connect correctly.1
Extra booking IDMandatoryOn import, enter any unique values here. For example, it can be 1, 2, 3,.1
ExtraMandatoryTitle of extra. Extra should be available (pre-created) for current Activity before import. The title used for this extra should be found in Bókun.Umbrella
Unit countMandatoryNumber of extras booked1


The example in the sheet

Activity booking answers tab

Activity booking answers tab

If you have booking questions that your guests have answered, for example questions about age or dietary restrictions, you can add them in this sheet.

⚠️If you are importing several bookings, only the ones that you need to import the booking questions and answers off need to be added here.



ColumnMandatoryCommentsDefault value if emptyExample 1
Booking IDIdentifies to which Booking this answer belongs. This should be the same as the previous tabs to connect correctly.Mermaid1
Activity booking IDMandatory if Booking Question is per bookingIdentifies to which Booking this experience booking belongs to. Make sure to use the same Booking ID for the same booking on all tabs.Mermaid Jane
Passenger booking IDMandatory if Booking Question is per passengerIdentifies to which Passenger Booking this Answer belongs.This should be the same as the previous tabs to connect correctly. This needs to match the passenger number added in the Passenger tab.1
Extra booking IDMandatory if Booking Question is per extraIdentifies to which Extra Booking this Answer belongs. This should be the same as the previous tabs to connect correctly.1
Booking answer IDMandatoryOn import, enter any unique values here. For example, it can be 1, 2, 3,..1
QuestionMandatoryTitle of booking question. Booking Question should be available (pre-created) for current Activity before import. This should be found in your Bókun experience.Please enter your age at the time of travel
AnswerMandatoryText. If multiple values are needed, format is [value1][value2][valueN]37


The example in the sheet


  1. After you have filled in the template, click Choose file, locate the file in your documents, and Click here to import. That will import all the bookings from your Excel sheet.
  2. Your bookings should now appear in your sales feed. Click Bookings > Sales Feed in the left-hand side menu to see them.


Example review

Example 1

Booking including 2 passengers, that booked a pickup and extras and have answered mandatory bookings question individually.

The booking in our Salesfeed

Additional explanations

Entering the booking


Example 2

A Booking for another experience for a custom price, one traveller.


If you need more information on this feature you can contact


How to import your experiences